Partenerii proiectului
Get to know the project partners
IHK-Projektgesellschaft mbH is a service provider for Vocational Education and Training (VET) at regional, national and international level. As a 100% subsidiary company of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry we act as a service provider and partner for the Chamber of Commerce and their member companies as well as Chamber of Crafts, Ministries and other institutions who are promoting economic development. This way we established a stable network to relevant enterprises, institutions, regional as well as national and international stakeholders and participants over the last years.
Furthermore we are initiator, leader and active partner of different strategic VET partnerships at regional and national level. We have completed more than 40 national and international projects in all kinds of different EU-funded programs. Our team consists of 60 highly qualified specialists and we provide services for companies, enterprises, institutions as well as individuals.
IHK-Projektgesellschaft mbH has established and applies a quality management system for planning, conception and management of educational programmes, projects and other services. We are an active member in the German ECVET expert’s team.

Contact information
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